Archives for November 2011

Well after an exhausting few days last week trying to get enough work done to make up for the short working week (there’s no free vacation!), I enjoyed an equally exhausting Thanksgiving holiday – or more of a non-Thanksgiving since I spent it in Montreal!  So to start the week off lightly, I decided to share this poem that I came across via a friend of mine over the weekend.

It appealed to the editor in me, and I know it’ll give many of you a smile too! 

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.



The Spell Chequer

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
It’s rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
It’s letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

Martha Snow



Image credit jdurham @morguefile

“The Chemical Keys To Thanksgiving Dinner”

This was a very interesting webinar that I joined in on last week, courtesy of the American Chemical Society’s “Joy of Science” Food Chemistry Series.

The speaker was Dr Harold McGee, scientist and author of a regular column in the New York Times, “The Curious Cook”.  You may also know him for his ground breaking book “On Food & Cooking: The Science & Lore of the Kitchen.” He writes a lot about the science of cooking, and in particular, the chemistry behind it, and how seasons marry and interact to produce tender, succulent and flavorful dishes.

I thought it might be fun to throw in some food science in our run-up to the Thanksgiving feast! So I’m going to take each of the main points that he covered in turn.

His Thanksgiving presentation covered a variety of things, including:


So today’s post discusses how persimmon gets to be two-tone……..



Persimmons are beautiful fruits with autumnal orange-red skins and orange flesh. They have a mild flavor that is somewhat reminiscent of pumpkin, but overall is very indistinct, so it’s been difficult finding a lead role for them!

The persimmons that we see in produce stores are an Asian species and come in two general types, one of which requires special handling:

  • Fuyu: This flat-based type can be eaten when firm, and is the one that many restaurants tend to serve in salads.
  • Hachiya: This elongated type is inedible when firm. And those who try to brave eating them when firm will get to know first-hand how astringent they are. This is a result of their tannin content which only reduces when the flesh has fully ripened into an almost liquid, translucent mass. You can certainly reduce its astringency by wrapping it airtight to hinder its metabolism, or by freezing it so its cells soften prematurely. But its jellylike consistency when ripe is what makes the Hachiya flesh so special.

Once peeled, seeded and puréed, both types produce a creamy mass that is thick enough to hold its shape without leaking fluid. Combined with its indistinct flavor, this makes it a versatile base for dessert sauces, or even as a light dessert itself (Harold McGee suggests just flavoring with sugar and other ingredients like citrus zests and juices, fresh ginger, pineapple juice, rum, or brandy, without thinning the purée too much. Then simply spooning the mixture into ramekins and chilling until set).


The Color Persimmon

Served fresh, persimmon purée is bright and colorful. But when cooked in a traditional persimmon pudding, it becomes something entirely different. For example, although your recipe may produce a pale orange batter from persimmon purée, eggs, sugar and flour, throw in two hours of steaming and this somehow turns this into a chocolate-brown, richly flavored cake.


The pH is in The Pudding

So why the drastic change? Turns out that it’s not the persimmons themselves that are responsible for this metamorphosis, or even the long cooking time. The key, in fact, lies in the pudding’s pH – basically how acid or alkaline it is.

Most recipes for persimmon pudding involve a lot of baking soda (usually a couple of teaspoons per cup of purée). Typically, this alkaline baking soda tends to be used in a batter so it can combine with acidic ingredients and produce carbon dioxide gas. This gas then allows the batter to rise and lighten upon setting.

Persimmons, however, don’t have much acid to be able to react with and neutralize the baking soda. So the excess of baking soda ends up contributing to making the batter alkaline. It is this alkaline condition that actually encourages the “browning reaction”.


The Browning Reaction

The browning reaction is what tends to make roasted or toasted foods more brown and flavorful. The energy from high cooking heat causes sugars and proteins to react together and lead to a cascade of reactions that generate lots of new molecules. Some of these are small and tasty, others large and pigmented.

An acid environment makes it harder for sugars and proteins to react, while an alkaline environment makes it much easier. This is why pretzels may be boiled in a baking soda solution before baking – the alkalinity allows their surfaces to become more colorful and flavorful.  

With our persimmon pudding, the excess baking soda allows the proteins from the eggs and flour to combine with the fruit sugars at temperatures no higher than boiling point. This reaction occurs all throughout the batter, not just on the surface. So the longer the cooking, the darker the color – but even just one hour of steaming makes a dark pudding.


Making Your Persimmon Pudding Persimmon-Colored

McGee suggests replacing the baking soda with baking powder which is a more neutral mix of soda and acid. The reduced alkalinity produces a pudding that is golden rather than dark brown, and has a more fruity taste. 

The two tones of persimmon pudding make for a great demonstration of how food pH can affect its color and flavor. Regardless of the chemistry though, it’s certainly a very tasty treat!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Stay safe, and eat well!


Image credit maxstraeten@morguefile

“The Chemical Keys To Thanksgiving Dinner”

This was a very interesting webinar that I joined in on last week, courtesy of the American Chemical Society’s “Joy of Science” Food Chemistry Series.

The speaker was Dr Harold McGee, scientist and author of a regular column in the New York Times, “The Curious Cook”.  You may also know him for his ground breaking book “On Food & Cooking: The Science & Lore of the Kitchen.” He writes a lot about the science of cooking, and in particular, the chemistry behind it, and how seasons marry and interact to produce tender, succulent and flavorful dishes.

I thought it might be fun to throw in some food science in our run-up to the Thanksgiving feast! So I’m going to take each of the main points that he covered in turn.

His Thanksgiving presentation covered a variety of things, including:


So today’s post discusses what makes your sweet potatoes sweet……



Sweet Potatoes – Not So Sweet!

Sweet potatoes aren’t sweet to begin with – when raw, they contain mostly starchy fibers, and so at this stage they taste about as good as any other raw potato!

They just need a little help to get sweet, and this happens naturally during the cooking process.  

Sweet potatoes contain an enzyme, amylase, that breaks down the starch into sugar at certain temperatures. And this reaction works best when the sweet potato is between 135°F and 170°F. So it follows that the longer you can keep the sweet potato within this temperature range, the more starch can convert to sugar.

So if you like your sweet potato casserole extra sweet, one trick is to bake the sweet potatoes low and slow.  Sweet potatoes are done when they’re soft all the way through. Steaming and boiling will cook the sweet potato far too quickly, so avoid these rapid methods if you like them sweet.

I think sweet potatoes are one of my favorite parts of the Thanksgiving meal in this country. I could eat them every day.



Image credit dantada @morguefile

“The Chemical Keys To Thanksgiving Dinner”

This was a very interesting webinar that I joined in on last week, courtesy of the American Chemical Society’s “Joy of Science” Food Chemistry Series.

The speaker was Dr Harold McGee, scientist and author of a regular column in the New York Times, “The Curious Cook”.  You may also know him for his ground breaking book “On Food & Cooking: The Science & Lore of the Kitchen.” He writes a lot about the science of cooking, and in particular, the chemistry behind it, and how seasons marry and interact to produce tender, succulent and flavorful dishes.

I thought it might be fun to throw in some food science in our run-up to the Thanksgiving feast! So I’m going to take each of the main points that he covered in turn.

His Thanksgiving presentation covered a variety of things, including:


So today’s dilemma revolves around the stuffing……


Are You a Turkey Person, or a Stuffing Person?

You have to ask this of yourself because unfortunately you can’t have it both ways! Stuffing the turkey will get the lovely juices flowing from the bird into the stuffing itself, producing flavorful stuffing. But you end up with over-cooked breast meat as you try to get the stuffing up to temperature.

We talked earlier about the two types of turkey muscle and how to cook them, and about how cooking a turkey is really one big compromise all around – remember how the goal is to cook it such that the thigh registers at 180 degrees F and the stuffing at 165 degrees F, while at the same time keeping the more delicate breast below 155 degrees F.

So you see how you can’t have it all! Again, it’s all about figuring out what option best suits your tastes:

  • Baking the stuffing in the turkey: It’s a no-win situation usually – you have three things in your turkey that need to be cooked to different temperatures! Cook the turkey to suit the thigh meat, and your stuffing is overcooked. Cook to suit the more delicate breast muscle, and your stuffing is undercooked!
  • Baking the stuffing separately: This navigates the temperature differential problem, but doesn’t get you that beautiful and flavorful stuffing, courtesy of the turkey’s natural juices.
  • A compromise? Harold McGee compromises by baking them separately, and then pouring the turkey drippings onto the stuffing to add flavor that way.


All I can say is that I’m glad I’m not doing any cooking this Thanksgiving!



“The Chemical Keys To Thanksgiving Dinner”

This was a very interesting webinar that I joined in on last week, courtesy of the American Chemical Society’s “Joy of Science” Food Chemistry Series.

The speaker was Dr Harold McGee, scientist and author of a regular column in the New York Times, “The Curious Cook”.  You may also know him for his ground breaking book “On Food & Cooking: The Science & Lore of the Kitchen.” He writes a lot about the science of cooking, and in particular, the chemistry behind it, and how seasons marry and interact to produce tender, succulent and flavorful dishes.

I thought it might be fun to throw in some food science in our run-up to the Thanksgiving feast! So I’m going to take each of the main points that he covered in turn.

His Thanksgiving presentation covered a variety of things, including:

  • The pros and cons of brining
  • The two kinds of turkey muscle and how to best cook them
  • The stuffing dilemma
  • How heating affects the flavor of your sweet potatoes
  • Why traditional persimmon pudding is nearly black, and how to make it persimmon-colored


So today’s dilemma revolves around the two different types of meat on your turkey……



Yet More Compromise

Just as the brining process involves compromise, so does the issue of actually cooking the turkey.

Turkey has 2 different meats – delicate breast meat, and tougher leg meat. The goal of cooking a turkey is such that the thigh registers at 180 degrees F and the stuffing at 165 degrees F, while at the same time keeping the more delicate breast below 155 degrees F.

But it can be a challenge cooking both types of meat properly in the same oven to get them both right! The legs contain a higher proportion of connective tissue that doesn’t begin to break down until about 160 degrees F. This means that the legs need to be cooked to about 165 degrees F. Consequently, by the time the legs are done, the breasts are overcooked and dried.


One Tip To Get The Temperatures Right

Ice-down the breast while rest of the bird is coming up to room temperature as you thaw it.

Maintaining a temperature differential of about 10-15 degrees between the breast and the legs will ensure adequate cooking of the leg meat while avoiding overcooking the breast. There are various ways to manipulate this, but one way is to let the legs warm up during thawing, while keeping the breasts chilled.

So take the turkey out of the fridge and allow it to come to room temperature, but pack ice around the breasts. This gives the legs a “heat start” during cooking. Additionally, place the turkey on a rack in the oven so that the breast meat doesn’t get direct heat from the pan.


What Will You Choose?

Overall, the best way to keep an unbrined turkey breast moist is to cook it separately, gently and precisely. You only have a narrow window of about 10 degrees in which to get your meat cooked right. It’s just done at about 145 degrees, and becoming dry at 155. But naturally, most people love to cook the whole turkey in one go at Thanksgiving. So go ahead any enjoy the challenge!

But don’t forget to let the breast temperature get to no more than about 150 degrees – once it gets there, pull out the turkey, and the temperature will still continue to rise those last few degrees since the outer parts of the bird remain hotter than the inside.



Image credit seemann @morguefile

A good meal must be as harmonious as a symphony and as well-constructed as a Norman cathedral.

Fernand Point, ‘Ma gastronomie’ (1897-1955)


This can be certainly be said of the Thanksgiving meal.  Home cooked meals that traditionally took a full day and a host of hands to prepare now take just hours.  What have we lost with these age-old preparations?  Perhaps it’s some of the chemistry that’s evident in the techniques like brining, marinating, basting, and slow cooking?


“The Chemical Keys To Thanksgiving Dinner”

This was a very interesting webinar that I joined in on last week, courtesy of the American Chemical Society’s “Joy of Science” Food Chemistry Series.

The speaker was Dr Harold McGee, scientist and author of a regular column in the New York Times, “The Curious Cook”.  You may also know him for his ground breaking book “On Food & Cooking: The Science & Lore of the Kitchen.” He writes a lot about the science of cooking, and in particular, the chemistry behind it, and how seasons marry and interact to produce tender, succulent and flavorful dishes.

I thought it might be fun to throw in some food science in our run-up to the Thanksgiving feast! So I’m going to take each of the main points that he covered in turn.

His Thanksgiving presentation covered a variety of things, including:

  • The pros and cons of brining
  • The two kinds of turkey muscle and how to best cook them
  • The stuffing dilemma
  • How heating affects the flavor of your sweet potatoes
  • Why traditional persimmon pudding is nearly black, and how to make it persimmon-colored


So let’s start with the issue of brining…….



To Brine Or Not To Brine?

McGee talked about how contemplating dealing with that big bird can be a tough job. It’s all about compromise in many areas, including the decision to brine.

Brining involves the addition of salt and other seasonings to water, and then immersing the turkey in that solution for a number of days in advance. It’s a complex but very cool process, and the main driving force behind it is osmosis – the natural movement of water and substances to maintain a balance of their distribution between the meat and external brine solution.

Meat naturally contains a lot of water and little salt, so immersing it in brining solution causes salt to move into the meat, in exchange for water that is displaced from the meat to the outside solution. Consequently the meat ends up more salty and dry.

Now the salt gets to work on the meat. The sodium of the salt attaches to muscle proteins, causing them to pull apart from one another. This allows more water and salt to enter, and further weakens the muscle fibers. The water flow now reverses, and water and more salt move from the brining solution into the meat.

This process doesn’t happen quickly, however, especially in a cold refrigerator – and this is why you have to decide in advance whether you’re going to brine your turkey.  One study showed that small pieces of meat about half an inch square were still gaining weight from water influx after three days in the brine.

Brined meats actually end up gaining about 10% or more of their weight due to the water and salt from brining. And when they’re cooked to the stage of “well done”, their modified muscle fibers lose water but still have enough left to be moist. The weakened muscle fibers are also what make them seem tender.


The Pros And Cons Of Brining

While brining certainly helps you get a more moist, tender meat, especially the breast, it’s not a foolproof process. It brings juiciness is at the expense of flavor – all that salty water is basically diluting the turkey’s natural flavor.

And a brined turkey can contain up to 10 times as much sodium as unbrined meat – not exactly good for your health in general!

And as if those reasons aren’t enough to put you off brining, bear in mind that you can’t get great gravy from a brined turkey – sadly your drippings will be far too salty to use.


What Will You Choose?

Clearly brining isn’t for everyone, but one important thing to remember is that it’s not something you can do on the day – so if you’re thinking of brining your turkey, you’d better make your decision quickly!


Image credit seemann @morguefile

For those of you working in the realm of biological science, whether you’re just starting a PhD or working your way through your graduate studies, it’s likely that at some stage you’ll be needing to use a microscope.

And if you’re anything like most people, the idea of this might fill you with dread. Or should I say, the idea of trying to use it properly might fill you with dread!



I use one every day, so it’s second nature to me. But I’m a pathologist, so I should know what I’m doing. Most scientists have other priorities, however, and aren’t accustomed to this. So it’s not surprising that most people don’t get the most out of their microscope – why would they when the last time they used one was maybe 5 years ago in some early university practical class?

I recently joined BitesizeBio as a staff writer, and I started off with an introductory article on how to use the light microscope. It’s a “101 Guide” for anyone who wants to get some pointers on using a microscope. So if it’s been a while since you needed to use that old lab ‘scope, don’t panic! The article will help you get set up and ready to go.


Image Credit ardelfin at Morguefile

If you’re a busy professional who loves finding new recipes that are not only tasty and relatively simple, but also offer even a vaguely healthy, nutritious twist, you might enjoy these taste buds.


I love the crust pizza recipe – such a great, healthy alternative to regular pizza.

Peanut Butter Banana Muffins

Zucchini Crust Pizza

Fudgey Brownies Lightened-Up



What Is A White Paper

Chances are you’ve probably heard this term, even if you’ve never paid too much attention to what it means. Basically, a “white paper” is just a specific type of report. Importantly though, it’s a report with a mission – to act as a powerful marketing tool. Typically they’ll be about 4-10 pages long, but can in fact range from something resembling a 2 page flyer, to as much as a 100 page book.

Check out these white papers, written for the healthcare industry, to give you an idea of what they can look like.

Who Uses White Papers?

You’ll find them used by all kinds of business organizations, and the medical industry is no exception, and healthcare, biotechnology and pharmaceutical organizations in particular benefit from their use. They are are used as a marketing aid in many areas of these organizations, from financing to new drugs, or even new medical devices.

So How Do They Work?

White papers are often described as being a cross between a magazine article and a brochure:

  • The Magazine Article: Typically the report opens up with this portion, educating the reader about a problem that is affecting them, and suggesting potential solutions.
  • The Brochure: This portion closes out the report, and is where it switches to describe a product or service provided by the company – something that can provide a solution to one of the problems described earlier. It tends to support its message with well-researched facts and data.

The number one focus in medical marketing is to produce a well-constructed white paper that propels a product along a pathway to a final sale. It needs to convince the buyer that the product is of some benefit to them. There’s a fine line to walk, however, since the pitch needs to be “just right”.

Most importantly the white paper needs to be readable to allow the potential buyer to develop trust and confidence in the product or service on offer. It needs to engage the customer, providing evidence that it can serve a purpose for them.

In summary, white papers are used to educate their readers and hopefully help them to make an informed decision on why a company’s specific product or service should be used. If the paper is intended for the general public, it should not be too medical jargon-filled, and it certainly shouldn’t read as a report with an overwhelming sales pitch that drowns the reader.

Why Do Medical Writers Need To Know About Them?

If you’re a medical writer, it’s worth knowing about white papers because they represent a great source of business for you. You don’t even have to be a scientist or even a medical writer to write white papers for the medical industry – you just need to be able to write persuasive copy using a tone that is appropriate for the intended audience. But your scientific background can certainly come in useful.

So if you haven’t already done so, it’s certainly worth using your medical writing skills to tap into this market.

Image credit Photostock at Free Digital Photos

This week I heard a radio interview with David Wood. A journalist since 1970, Wood is currently the senior Military Correspondent for the Huffington Post where he covers military issues, foreign affairs, and combat operations. He was talking about “Beyond the Battlefield”, a 10-part series that he recently wrote for the Huffington Post, exploring the challenges faced by severely wounded war veterans upon return home.

In contrast to the appalling numbers of war-related deaths faced by our military way back in history, thankfully today relatively fewer troops are being killed in combat – due to a combination of better technologies and equipment to protect them, as well as much improved medical care.

On the flip side, however, it seems that the enemy’s ability to catastrophically injure servicemembers in battle is increasing. In 2009 there were 86 US soldiers who lost at least one limb in combat, while in 2010 the number had increased to 187. Additionally from 2009 to 2010, the number of servicemembers who lost multiple limbs tripled from 23 to 72.

On The Battlefield

Wood told an amazing story about Tyler Southern, a 22 year old Marine who lost both of his legs and his right arm in Afghanistan in May 2010 when he stepped on an improvised explosive device. His close friend James Stoddard, a 19 year old Navy Corpsman, was now faced with attending to his first combat casualty.

Southern survived his horrific injuries, defeating all odds. This was largely thanks to the lifesaving actions of his friend James Stoddard who applied tourniquets to the stumps of his three injured limbs and his mangled left hand. He also inserted a breathing tube into Southern’s throat to maintain an open airway,  and administered intravenous fluid.

The young Marine was flown to a nearby military hospital where he was stabilized before being flown to a US military hospital in Germany. Somehow he survived the journey, despite flatlining on the way. Concerned that he was not going to survive, a decision was made to fly him home to the US, essentially so that he could die with his family.

Thankfully that didn’t happen. Tyler Southern survived his wounds, and despite everything that he has been through, he strives to see the silver linings and to maintain humor, saying “I have the world at my prosthetic feet. It’ll go well.”

Beyond The Battlefield

Inevitably the increase in such severe, complex injuries leads to multiple-fold consequences. In addition to the emotional and physical effects on the patient, they present challenges for military medical personnel who deal with such injuries on and off the battlefield, as well as for their loved ones.

Although we naturally celebrate the fact that so many individuals can survive despite their horrendous injuries, we cannot forget that these wounds last a lifetime. In addition to losing one or more limbs, servicemembers may have experienced an array of additional problems like traumatic brain injury, facial burns, infections, and inevitably deep depression. The issue of how we can best care for them even when the war is long over is one that we cannot afford to ignore.
It’s Veterans Day today. Please thank a servicemember if you get the opportunity.