We’re in the middle of summer, and many of you probably enjoy taking advantage of the great outdoors at this time of year. And you’re not alone – ticks love this time of year too. They tend to emerge in the warmer weather, so between spring and fall is the peak time for occurrence of tick-transmitted diseases. So it’s important to be aware of the prevalence of tick-borne diseases in your area.

In the US and Europe, Lyme disease is the most common of these conditions, and represents an important public health concern. It was named after the town of Lyme in Connecticut, where a cluster of the first cases of the disease in this country were recognized in 1975. The disease itself is caused by the bite of a tick that is infected with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Most commonly in the US, the Ixodes species of deer tick is involved in transmitting the bacterium to people.




These ticks are especially prevalent in grassy and wooded areas, so it is important to take precautions when out and about:


Wear Appropriate Clothing

  • Light colors help you to recognize ticks more easily
  • Long sleeves protect the arms
  • Long pants protect the legs
  • Avoid wearing flip flops or open shoes
  • Tuck pants into socks or boots
  • Use Insect Repellent – apply to exposed areas of skin, and spray onto clothing too


Inspect for ticks

  • Check for attached ticks every few hours outside
  • Check again upon return home
  • Have a partner check difficult-to-see areas
  • Check pets too
  • Change clothes upon return home – shake out those you wore while outdoors


If You Find An Attached Tick

  • Remove immediately – use tweezers to grasp firmly near the head, and pull without squeezing
  • If mouthparts remain attached, remove using tweezers
  • Clean the area of skin affected, and apply antiseptic cream
  • If in doubt, save the tick in a small container (or between some pieces of sticky tape) in case it needs to be identified later



Symptoms and signs of Lyme disease are variable because it can affect numerous body systems. Some of the more classic symptoms, however, include:


Early Symptoms

  • Skin rash: One of the hallmarks of the disease, affecting up to 80% of infected people, is erythema migrans. This is the classic rash that has a bull’s eye shape – a central dark red region and peripheral clear halo are surrounded by an outer red ring. It develops 3-30 days following a tick bite, and spreads with time. It should be differentiated from a rash that results after a tick bite due to an allergy to the tick’s saliva. This occurs within 72 hours of a bite, disappears with time, and is not indicative of Lyme disease.
  • Flu-like ailments: Fever, fatigue, aches, headache, and stiff neck are often reported early on in the course of disease.


Later Symptoms

If Lyme disease goes untreated, the bacterium can spread to other body systems. The joints and nervous system are a couple of the more common regions affected in such cases:

  • Joint pain: Untreated patients may sometimes develop joint pain, especially in the knees.
  • Neurological symptoms: Occasional patients can develop numbness or weakness of the limbs, facial paralysis, or even meningitis in severe cases.


It is important to remember, however, that not every tick is infected with Borrelia burgdorferi. Therefore not every tick bite leads to Lyme disease. If you do develop any concerning symptoms following a tick bite, however, seek medical advice as soon as possible – this will enable best treatment results in the event that you do have Lyme disease.

Don’t forget to check your dogs too – not only can they be bitten by ticks, but they too can develop Lyme disease. Ticks often go unrecognized on dogs due to their thick coats. So be sure to pay some extra attention to your dog after a walk, and groom him well to check for attached ticks.

And whilst the prospect of tick-borne disease shouldn’t keep you indoors all summer, it certainly pays to take preventive measures to guard against tick attachment, especially in regions where Lyme disease is prevalent.















A third of us are infected with Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can be transmitted to us by animals. Cats represent a major source of this organism, and are therefore a common route of infection for us since they continually shed the parasite. Consequently we can become infected with Toxoplasma gondii if we come into contact with anything that is contaminated with the organism as a result of a cat’s shedding. Some ways include:

  • Contaminated soil  (when gardening in an area where cats have defecated)
  • Cleaning the cat litter box
  • Contaminated water
  • Undercooked meat (lamb, pork, and venison especially – these animals are infected by cats in the same way as we are)
  • Cooking utensils coming into contact with undercooked, infected meats

Although many people are infected with this parasite, most are unaffected by it, and show no clinical symptoms since the immune system effectively prevents it from causing disease; however, clinical toxoplasmosis can be a real problem for people with weakened immune systems, such as:

  • HIV infected patients
  • Chemotherapy patients
  • Organ-transplant recipients

Additionally, it poses a particular risk for unborn babies. A  woman who comes into contact with the organism for the first time during her pregnancy may transmit it to the fetus in utero, resulting in birth defects or even infant fatalities. Transmission of the parasite to an unborn baby, however, is less likely if the woman has previously come into contact with the organism at least six months or more, prior to becoming pregnant.

Links With Brain Cancer?

Interestingly, a recent study reports a correlation between rates of infection of Toxoplasma gondii, and the incidence of brain cancer. Global data on brain cancer in people from 37 countries was collected and compared with the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in those regions. The research group reported that brain cancer rates increased in countries where the parasite was more prevalent.

This ecological study, however, merely points to a correlation between the two events – it does not imply that the parasite actually causes brain cancer in people. And certainly the opposite could be true – it’s not impossible that brain cancer could be the driving factor behind Toxoplasma gondii infection.

So as it stands, this report does not prove cause and association, but is predominantly hypothesis-generating, and does provoke scientific curiosity. In the words of one of the authors:“These were the best data available and we felt they were sufficient to take the first step. Working with actual brain cancer patients is an obvious next step, but it would be an expensive proposition.  It is a lot easier to justify the second, expensive step when you have some evidence for the hypothesis. We are hoping that our results motivate others in the field to do further studies.”

Thomas, Lafferty, Brodeur, Elguero, Gauthier-Clerc & Misse. 2011. Incidence of adult brain cancers is higher in countries where the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is common. Biology Letters


Last week was busy again, with writing and editing. At 9:30pm on Friday I finally finished a long edit on an article for an ESL client  – it was a good feeling to return it and relax with a glass of wine!

Now I’m just starting my Sunday with some coffee before I head out to the gym. It looks like we’ll be having another beautiful day here, so hopefully I’ll get outside later to enjoy the sunshine.

Hope you get to have an enjoyable Sunday too.


Courtesy of Tagxedo

“Chocolate poisoning” represented one of the “Top 10” pet poisonings reported by the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). This occurs as a result of an adverse reaction to the alkaloid theobromine in chocolate. The toxicity affects dogs more than cats, probably because they  are more likely to consume large quantities of unusual foods chocolate, whereas cats are typically less likely to voluntarily eat chocolate, especially in large quantities. Animals of all ages, however, are affected.

How Much?

According to the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center, mild signs of toxicity are considered to occur in animals after eating around 20 mg of theobromine and caffeine per kg bodyweight, with severe signs arising at 40-50 mg/kg, seizures at 60 mg/kg, with potentially lethal results at 100 mg/kg.

Clinical signs typically occur within 6-12 hours, and how your dog reacts will depend especially on his size, as well as the type of chocolate eaten. Different types of chocolate contain different levels of theobromine: Baking chocolate contains the highest levels, followed by dark chocolate, milk chocolate & white chocolate, respectively.

Some approximate theobromine concentrations in various chocolate products are as follows:

  • Cacao beans: Up to 1200 mg/oz
  • Baking chocolate: 400 mg/oz
  • Dark chocolate: 150 mg/oz
  • Instant cocoa powder: 150 mg/oz
  • Milk chocolate: 50 mg/oz
  • Hot chocolate: 15 mg/oz
  • White chocolate 1 mg/oz

Although these are approximate figures only, they at least provide a sense of the wide range of theobromine concentrations in different products. These figures equate to ingestion of approximately 3 lbs of milk chocolate by a 32 kg Labrador retriever being fatal, while only 7 oz milk chocolate could be fatal to a 4.5 kg Yorkshire terrier.

Clinical Signs

The toxic effects of theobromine affect many organ systems. The first signs of chocolate poisoning, however, tend to be vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, restlessness and increased urination. Signs can ultimately progress to fatal cardiac arrhythmias and seizures.


There is no antidote for chocolate poisoning, so treatment tends to be supportive. Since the half life of threobromine is around 18 hours, veterinarians will often induce vomiting in affected dogs within the first 1-2 hours post-ingestion, in particular if the quantity is unknown. Activated charcoal administration can also be useful in reducing the quantity of toxin absorbed. Otherwise, however, treatment is based on the clinical signs of each individual case, with intravenous fluid therapy being commonly used in animals with toxicity-induced dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea, for instance.

If you do suspect that your pet has eaten an unknown quantity of chocolate, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice. With appropriate, timely treatment, most animals make a complete recovery.

(888) 426-4435 ASPCA Animal Poison Control 

The hip is one of the most common fracture sites in people, with hip fractures most frequently occurring in elderly patients, representing an extremely serious outcome of osteoporosis.

In younger patients, hip fractures typically occur as a result of high impact injuries, such as those associated with a traffic accident. Patients with osteoporosis, however, have weakened bones, and can often develop hip fractures from even relatively minor trauma.

Fractures in this region represent the most common type that requires patient hospitalization, since treatment typically requires surgical correction. Approximately 10% of these fracture patients die during hospitalization, however, and it is not exactly clear what risk factors contribute to this excess mortality.



Risk factors for in-hospital post-hip fracture mortality

A recent Australian study evaluated hip fracture patients admitted to a teaching hospital from 1997-2007. They aimed to not only examine risk factors for mortality in these patients, but also to develop a prognostic model to predict in-hospital mortality.

The group evaluated outcomes among 1094 women and 410 men who were admitted to the hospital with a hip fracture.

The median duration of hospitalization was 9 days, and the primary outcome of the study was that in-hospital mortality occurred regardless of length of hospital stay. During hospitalization, the risk of mortality was higher in men (9%) than in women (4%). Increased risk of in-hospital mortality was associated with advancing age in men, as well as the presence of co-morbid conditions on admission.  In particular, the risk of mortality was increased in patients with a pre-existing congestive heart failure and liver disease – factors that together accounted for 69% of the risk for in-hospital mortality.


Overall, the results of this study of hip fracture patients determined that increased age, male gender, and pre-existing conditions such as congestive heart failure and liver disease were the main risk factors for mortality during hospitalization. They were, however, unable to develop a prognostic model to predict the outcome of hospitalization following a hip fracture.


Frost SA et al: Risk factors for in-hospital post-hip fracture mortality. (2011) Bone, Jun 13 [Epub ahead of print]


Since I’m a veterinary pathologist by training, I thought you might like me to share some aspects of this side of my work with you. 

Some of my daily routine involves microscopic evaluation of sections of tissue from animals, often for diagnostic purposes. So I’ll try and share some interesting cases with you from time to time.

I’ll start off today by sharing information about a case of herpesvirus infection in a cat.


History: A two week old kitten died following four days of respiratory distress, with pronounced sneezing and coughing.

Diagnosis: A diagnosis of pneumonia due to FHV-1 (feline herpesvirus-1) infection was made after microscopic evaluation of tissues taken at postmortem examination. 

FHV-1 IN CATS: This is a common feline virus that is transmitted between cats by direct contact and exchange of nasal and ocular fluids. “Feline rhinotracheitis” is the classic condition associated with this virus, and typically manifests as upper respiratory disease and conjunctivitis in kittens, similar to this case. Systemic illness with interstitial pneumonia has also been reported in kittens, and such cases of systemic disease can arise as a result of immunosuppression. Additionally, the virus can cause conjunctivitis as well as facial and nasal dermatitis or stomatitis in adult cats.

The usually clear air spaces in the lung are
filled with inflammatory cells & debris
Higher magnification view showing intense inflammation 
with necrotic tissue and debris, along with the characteristic 
diagnostic finding of viral inclusion bodies in cells. 
The arrow points to a syncitial cell containing multiple nuclei.
These nuclei contain characteristic viral inclusion bodies

Although this is a devastating disease, the good news is that cats can be vaccinated against the causative virus, thus reducing the incidence or severity of disease.

Cats can be carriers of FHV-1 though – in such cases, if a female cat carrying the virus is infected before she is vaccinated, the vaccination will not be effective in eliminating the latent infection. Subsequently, any stress, such as that associated with pregnancy, will result in viral recrudescence and shedding. Following birth, the mother cat will transmit the virus to her kittens in her milk, or through grooming, direct contact or nasal secretions.

So if your cat or kitten has any signs of respiratory disease – be sure to have him or her examined by your veterinarian so as to ensure the correct diagnosis can be made, and appropriate treatment can follow.

By now you’ve likely heard something about the outbreak of food-borne illness due to E. coli that is currently causing problems in Germany. This outbreak, reportedly the world’s largest due to E. coli, has so far killed 15 people and left more than 1000 others ill.

Although the exact source of the virulent strain of this bacterium remains unknown, the pathogen has been identified on cucumbers imported from Spain. Specifically it has been identified as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) which causes Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS).

Vegetables, however, don’t have colons for colonization with this bacterium, so how did they become “infected”?



Most research on the epidemiology of STEC in animals has involved E. coli 0157:H7, and cattle are considered the major reservoir of the STEC that result in human infection. This strain is so widely distributed among cattle that it may likely be present periodically on most farms at some stage. Although this pathogen can only survive transiently in soil when shed by affected cattle, it is, however, capable of prolonged persistence in manure and environmental waters.

Consequently, polluted groundwaters may have been the source of the bacterium in this outbreak, and the vegetables were merely vectors of disease. That is, they provided a mechanical means of transporting the STEC into people.

HUS typically begins with an episode of bloody diarrhea following infection of the gastrointestinal tract with E.coli 0157:H7. This pathogen produces toxins that destroy red blood cells and cause kidney damage, resulting in a combination of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure. HUS therefore represents a medical emergency, and although the majority of patients recover from illness, mortality rate can be up to 10%, with children and the elderley being particularly at risk.

Growing Tension

Sadly this recent STEC/HUS outbreak has additionally spread to other northern European countries, and the situation is expected to further worsen in the coming week. Subsequently, diplomatic tension between Germany and countries such as Spain, France and Russia, is rising, as some countries have banned vegetable imports from Germany and Spain.

The German public has now been warned to avoid eating raw vegetables, such as lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers, and some products have even been removed from store shelves.

Yesterday I listened to a very interesting webinar by Richard Friedberg, MD PhD, Professor and Deputy Chairman of the Department of Pathology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. Dr Friedberg is also Chairman of the Pathology for Baystate Health (Springfield, MA), where he oversees a 22-pathologist academic/private practice operation responsible for 50,000 surgical specimens, 90,000 cytology specimens, 6 million laboratory tests, and a large reference laboratory.

As a pathologist myself, I had been looking forward to hearing him speak. Some of the highlights from Dr Friedberg’s webinar are outlined below:

The Evolution Of Pathology

Dr Friedberg reviewed how laboratory medicine and the practice of pathology have evolved over the decades, and how they are likely to continue to evolve in the future. Pathology has changed in numerous ways, involving a move from a formerly qualitative and later quantitative approach, to a more integrative approach currently. Additionally, our specialty has moved from “analog” to “digital”, similar to what has occurred in the field of radiology.

He talked about how, in order to thrive in highly competitive markets, clinical laboratories need to look beyond traditional models of service delivery and must now think outside the box. This may mean integrating with other diagnostic services and delivering different types of results (from laboratory to imaging) to physicians and other clients. Traditionally, “pathology” and “imaging” have been considered separate entities, but the trend is definitely moving toward a more integrated approach of diagnostic reporting that incorporates both disciplines.

Therefore, in coming years, a diagnostic report will be much more than the traditional “label” of the past. Changes including the advancement of personalized medicine, the use of electronic medical records, and the evolution of technological advancements like digital pathology, will all impact how pathologists work.  Consequently the pathologist’s report will no longer merely comprise a diagnostic name, but rather will represent an aggregate of much medical information that has been analysed using disparate tools.

The Downside Of Digitization

Some professionals have been concerned that the improvement by “moving to digital” might also have a negative effect – namely the outsourcing of pathology to overseas countries for low cost services (as has occurred in the field of radiology); however, this may not be as much of a cause for concern in pathology, for a few reasons:

Initial Image Capture: Radiological images are first obtained digitally. This is not the case with microscopic images though – the need for initial slide production will always remain. So there will always remain the need for a laboratory system to process the sample and subsequently generate the digital image from the specimen.

Image File Size: File sizes of microscopic images are much larger than radiological images, and therefore not quite as easy to forward.

Urgency: Digital forwarding of radiological images to an overseas specialist for immediate consultation has important implications in medicine. It might, for example, allow a patient in the ER to be appropriately treated or released within minutes of an imaging procedure. With surgical biopsy specimens that require routine processing, however, this urgency tends not to exist. This process is indeed still constrained by the typical turnover time of up to 24 hours or more that is required to optimally process a specimen (from formalin fixation, until a hematoxylin and eosin-stained slide is produced).   

“It’s A Mammoth”


The Tyranny Of The Tool

It is important to remember that through the centuries, pathologists have traditionally made careers out of recognizing patterns. The more recent evolution of pathology, however, means that we can no longer allow ourselves to be merely defined by our tool, the microscope. Does your job involve you working as a microscopist, or a diagnostician? Moving forward, it is most important to be the latter. We must begin to learn new ways of thinking and working in our professional environment, otherwise, allowing ourself to be defined solely by a microscope could put us out of business!

In A Nutshell

The most important thing is that we know a transition phase in pathology reporting is underway – we just don’t exactly know how long it will take. This leaves plenty of professionals currently trying to figure out where they might stand in this new, evolving healthcare approach. As pathologists, we must therefore prepare for tomorrow, and position ourselves firmly, using all the diagnostic skills we can offer in addition to microscopy.

And although the future of pathology provides a definite challenge for us all, it should, nevertheless, be a fascinating and enjoyable ride!